If you’re not involved in a cooperative you almost certainly know people who are.

  • Consumer co-ops: 100,000,000 people belong to 29,000 cooperatives in the US
  • Producer co-ops: there are over 9,300 producer cooperatives
  • Housing co-ops: over 1,200,000 people live in 6,400 housing co-ops
  • Worker-owned businesses: there are over 6,700 worker-owners in about 400 worker co-ops
  • Co-ops have been in Pittsburgh from the beginning…

MORE interesting statistics:

  • 29,000 cooperatives operate in every sector of the U.S. economy.
  • 1 billion people are members of cooperatives worldwide.
  • 1 in 3 Americans are co-op members holding 350 million co-op memberships nationwide.
  • U.S. cooperatives generate 2 million jobs each year, contribute $652 billion in annual sales, and possess $3 trillion in assets.
  • 92 million Americans turn to 7,500 credit unions – which are cooperatives – for their financial services.
  • Most of the America’s 2 million farmers are farmer co-op members providing 250,000 jobs and $8 billion in annual wages.
  • 1.2 million U.S. families of all income levels live in homes owned and operated through cooperatives.
  • 42 million Americans rely on electricity from 900 rural electric co-ops in 47 states – making up 42% of the nation’s electric distribution and covering 75% of our land mass.
  • 233 million people are served by co-op-owned and affiliated insurance companies.
  • 1.2 million rural Americans are served by 260 telephone cooperatives in 31 states.
  • 50,000 U.S. families rely on cooperative daycare facilities and preschools for the care of their children.

Source: International Cooperative Alliance, National Cooperative Business Association

Check out some folks involved in co-ops and loving it!


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