Dirt Collective is a cooperatively-run, women owned and operated ecological and chemical free landscaping business. They are passionate about native plants and creating garden spaces that you and all the living things in your garden ecosystem can benefit from. All of the worker-owners are now individually certified through the Sustainable Land care Accreditation at Phipps Conservatory. Founded in 2014. The Pinup Couriers Collective is a worker-owned business that operates in the Pittsburgh area by equal owners in the business and who make all decisions collectively. They have no bosses and are accountable only to each other and to their clients. They’re very proud to have built this business on non-exploitative labor! The Black Urban Gardeners and Farmers Cooperative of Pittsburgh (BUGS FCP) has three major goals: 1) uniting black urban agriculturalists in the Pittsburgh area for mutual support and to work together to solve challenges that urban growers face in Pittsburgh, 2) operating a Farmers Market Cooperative in Homewood, which is a food desert, and 3) to create homegrown solutions to improve food security. MORE … Founded in 2010 The East End Food Co-op offers all of the products of a full-service grocery store, but with a natural and local touch. Shop its friendly, neighborhood store for everything you need for quick week night meals, healthy lunchboxes or seasonal celebrations. MORE … Founded in 1971 Zafaron Afghan Cuisine is a new cooperative catering business specializing in delicious traditional Afghan dishes. The cooperative was formed in April 2020 with our help, and, after waiting out the Covid19 pandemic, they are out of the house and into your next party, event, or community market. Zafaron was founded by Haida, Mastoorah, Nafisa, and Zermina, all expert cooks with varied professional experience back in their native Afghanistan. Circumstances made them have to leave their homeland, and you may have read or watched their story being told by Real Time Interventions. They are sharing the food they love with Pittsburgh now. Find them at ZafaronAfghanCuisine “at” gmail “dot” com! Share List Share List Share List